7 Principles for Making Marriage Work

We are excited to host an online workshop presented by Chaplain Curtis Sutherland, Pastor Joel's father.


Every married couple knows that successful relationships take time and energy to maintain. People may feel that they can “naturally” create and maintain healthy, happy relations, but often find that they can use some help. Unfortunately, statistics show that couples often do not seek help until seven years after they realize that they are in trouble. 

Dr. John Gottman is a pioneer in the scientific study of marriage and he discovered 7 principles that have proven to make marriages work. 

This seminar will teach you what these principles are and how you can apply them in your own marriage.

This seminar normally costs $450 per couple, but Chaplain Sutherland offers his workshops to non-profit organizations for the cost of materials per couple. 

When you register with our discount code, it will be free for us! We can then mark our tithe envelopes for the Marriage Workshop and give whatever we feel led to give to help cover the cost of both the materials and also provide an honorarium.

When: June 11 and 12, 7 PM Central Time

Where: On Zoom

Cost: Free with code 1Jn4:12 with the opportunity to help cover costs by marking your tithe envelopes for Marriage Workshop

How to Register: You must register for both part one and part two! Register for part one here and part two here.